Station Metadata

Station Metadata

AZMet station details, including locations, data collection, and sensors
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Latitude (deg) Longitude (deg)
Elevation (ft)
Elevation (m)
Site Description
Aguila AGU az07 Maricopa 33.95 -113.19 2,155 657 Active bare ground next to agricultural fields
Bonita BON az09 Graham 32.48 -109.93 4,416 1,349 Active semidesert grassland
Bowie BOW az33 Cochise 32.29 -109.47 3,812 1,162 Active bare ground next to orchards
Buckeye BUC az26 Maricopa 33.41 -112.68 988 301 Active bare ground next to agricultural fields
Coolidge COO az05 Pinal 32.98 -111.61 1,388 423 Active bare ground next to agricultural fields
Dateland DAT az17 Yuma 32.99 -113.49 531 162 Inactive NA
Desert Ridge DES az27 Maricopa 33.69 -111.96 1,676 511 Active urban golf course
Eloy ELO az16 Pinal 32.81 -111.56 1,512 461 Inactive NA
Flagstaff FLG az30 Coconino 35.21 -111.58 6,765 2,062 Inactive NA
Ft Mohave CA MOC az40 San Bernardino 34.97 -114.65 482 147 Active bare ground next to agricultural fields
Harquahala HAR az23 Maricopa 33.49 -113.11 1,143 348 Active bare ground next to agricultural fields
Kansas Settlement KAN az34 Cochise 32.12 -109.74 4,213 1,284 Inactive NA
Laveen LAV az21 Maricopa 33.38 -112.15 1,332 406 Inactive NA
Litchfield LIT az11 Maricopa 33.47 -112.4 1,007 307 Inactive NA
Marana MRN az13 Pima 32.42 -111.16 2,041 622 Inactive NA
Maricopa MAC az06 Pinal 33.07 -111.97 1,188 362 Active turf next to agricultural fields
Mesa MES az29 Maricopa 33.39 -111.87 1,207 368 Inactive NA
Mohave MOH az20 Mohave 34.97 -114.61 482 147 Active bare ground next to agricultural fields
Mohave ETo MOE az44 Mohave 34.9 -114.62 476 145 Active bare ground next to agricultural fields
Mohave-2 MO2 az28 Mohave 34.88 -114.57 466 142 Active bare ground next to agricultural fields
Paloma GIB az19 Maricopa 32.93 -112.9 725 221 Active bare ground next to agricultural fields
Parker PAR az08 La Paz 33.96 -114.49 322 98 Active bare ground next to agricultural fields
Parker-2 PA2 az35 La Paz 33.86 -114.48 302 92 Active bare ground next to agricultural fields
Payson PAY az32 Gila 34.23 -111.35 4,852 1,479 Active bare ground next to urban park turf, parking lot, and lake
Phoenix Encanto PEN az15 Maricopa 33.48 -112.1 1,096 334 Active urban golf course
Phoenix Greenway PGR az12 Maricopa 33.62 -112.11 1,322 403 Active urban golf course
Prescott PRS az31 Yavapai 34.59 -112.42 5,197 1,584 Inactive NA
Queen Creek QCR az22 Maricopa 33.19 -111.53 1,516 462 Active bare ground next to agricultural fields
Roll ROL az24 Yuma 32.76 -113.97 266 81 Active bare ground next to agricultural fields
Safford SAF az04 Graham 32.81 -109.68 2,963 903 Active bare ground next to agricultural fields
Sahuarita SAH az38 Pima 31.97 -110.95 2,756 822 Active bare ground next to orchards
Salome SAL az41 La Paz 33.85 -113.54 1,919 585 Active bare ground next to agricultural fields
San Simon SAN az37 Cochise 32.2 -109.12 3,707 1,130 Active bare ground next to orchards
Scottsdale SCO az18 Maricopa 33.64 -111.9 1,562 476 Inactive NA
Tucson TUC az01 Pima 32.28 -110.95 2,343 714 Active grass pasture
Waddell CIT az10 Maricopa 33.62 -112.46 1,332 406 Inactive NA
Wellton ETo WEL az42 Yuma 32.69 -114.07 240 73 Active bare ground next to agricultural fields
Willcox Bench WIB az39 Cochise 32.12 -109.71 4,285 1,306 Active bare ground next to vineyards
Yuma Mesa YUM az03 Yuma 32.61 -114.64 190 58 Inactive NA
Yuma N.Gila YUG az14 Yuma 32.78 -114.52 140 43 Active bare ground next to agricultural fields
Yuma South YUS az36 Yuma 32.57 -114.74 92 28 Active bare ground next to agricultural fields
Yuma Valley YUV az02 Yuma 32.71 -114.7 118 36 Active turf next to agricultural fields
Yuma Valley ETo YUE az43 Yuma 32.71 -114.7 118 36 Active turf next to agricultural fields